CEM 11 Plus

Warwickshire 11+  -  Children's Educational Material 11+ TM

The Warwickshire 11+ exams are for entrance in to five grammar schools and one bilateral school in the area which all have catchement areas.  Birmingham and Warwickshire share the same 11+ test. Complete solutions are available using WordBuilder.co.uk and CoolCleverKids.co.uk.

Warwickshire grammar schools are backward and still believe in the outdated concept of catchment areas. They do not believe all children should have an equal opportunity to attend a grammar school and operate bizarre address requirements that effectively amounts to local apartheid. There is nothing stopping families moving outside the catchment area after the first term. All sixth forms are now mixed, with the exception of Stratford Girl`s Grammar School which severely discriminates against boys and indicates a misandric attitude which would not be tolerated, if reversed.

2026 Year 7 Entry for Warwickshire Grammar Schools

Registration 7th May 2025 to 30th June 2025 4pm     Reasonable Adjustment deadline 30th June 2025 4pm
Test Dates Saturday 13th September, 2025 Morning and Afternoon sessions
Sunday 14th September, 2025 for followers of the Jewish and Seven Heavens faiths (who object to Saturday testing and want to know content from others)
Sharred Test West Midlands Grammar Schools [GL Assessment]
Results 17th October 2025
Test Supplier GLA Tests (GL Assessment)
Weighting is 50% for verbal ability, 25% for numerical ability 25% for non-verbal ability.

The test is made up of two papers, each approximately 60 minutes long (which includes time for instructions and example questions). Each test paper is divided into smaller individual sections that test English Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics and Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning. There are no sections of writing within the test – all questions are multiple choice and children record their answers on a separate answer sheet.

Ashlawn Modern Language Aptitude Test 2026 Admissions
Registration 30 May 2025 to 4th July 2025 TBC
Test Date Saturday 20th September 2025 TBC


Warwickshire Grammar School PAN (Year 7)
Click here for Warwickshire priority area map  
Southern Priority Circle  
Alcester Grammar School (AGS ) mixed 150
King Edward VI School (K.E.S.), Stratford-Upon-Avon (boys) 87 + 3
Statford Girl`s Grammar School (SGGS), [Shottery] (girls) 120
Eastern Priority Circle (Rugby)  
Lawrence Sheriff School (LSS), Rugby (boys) 150
Rugby High School (RHS), Rugby (girls) 120
Ashlawn Selective (Bilateral) School, Rugby (mixed)
A a maximum of 10% for Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
based upon a PAN of 266 non-selective places


All sixth forms have are mixed gender, except Stratford Girl`s Grammar School, which indicates a misandric attitude. Boys already have fewer grammar school places than girls. This policy disadvantages boys further.

Qualifying scores in the Southern area are higher than the Eastern area and many children who qualify for places in the Eastern Area would have little chance of entry in the more elite Southern area schools. There are fewer grammar school places for boys than girls.

Eastern priority circle (Area 1) has a radius of approximately 10 miles around Rugby, from the Water Tower.

Rugby and the surrounding areas (Area 2). These areas are outlined below.

Rugby plus the parishes of Dunchurch, Thurlaston, Leamington Hastings, Birdingbury, Grandborough, Wolfhamcote, Willoughby, Binley Woods, Brinklow, Brandon and Bretford, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Bubbenhall, Wolston, Church Lawford, Long Lawford, Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Princethorpe, Frankton, Marton, Bourton and Draycote, Churchover, Clifton-on-Dunsmore, Combe Fields, Cosford, Easenhall, Harborough Magna, Kings Newnham, Little Lawford, Monks Kirby, Newton and Biggin, Pailton, Stretton-under-Fosse, Wibtoft, Willey and Withybrook.

Overlap Area

Ryton-On-Dunsmore, Bubbenhall and Princethorpe are in both the Southern and Inner Eastern Areas.

For entry, schools expect families to move by 31st December.. This changed after LSS unlawfully withdrew a grammar school place and unlawfully refused to allow an appeal and found at severe fault by the Local Government Ombudsman and an Independent appeals panel ordered the school to offer a place. The school edited minutes of a governors meeting and claimed it has only redacted names, effectively submitting a fraudulent document to an Indpendent Appeals Panel as well as the Information Commissioner and First Tier Tribual.

K.E.S. now has a inner and outer priority area.

Automatic Qualifying Marks (AQM)

The Automatic Qualifying Mark is set by a Committee of Reference (a panel of headteachers and teachers appointed according to the terms of reference for East Warwickshire). The Heads of the area’s selective schools or their representatives will be members of the Area Committee. They may set an AQM that results in children out of area being offered places on offer day if there are not enough suitable candidates within area (as occurred in 2013-15).

The southern area is a catchement based highly selective area. On offer day, the highest scores above the AQM within the catchment area win places. If places are not filled, out of area children can be offered places.

The Eastern area is a dual catchment based selective area, allowing lower scores in area 1 to win places, at the expense of higher scoring children who happen to live in area 2.  They have introduced lower scores for pupil premium children. This appears to constitute social engineering to ensure a diverse socio-economic group at the schools, as opposed to selecting children solely upon ability. If 11+ tests are tutor-proof, there is no logic to this stance.

From 2014 entry the weighting changed to 50% Verbal Reasoning, 25% Numeric Reasoning and 25% NVR.

11+ Preparation

Areas tested include English (Vocabulary: synonyms & antonyms; Comprehension; Cloze passages/text; Jumbled sentences); Mathematics including data processing, and Non-verbal reasoning.

There is no evidence any 11+ tests are tutor proof, nor tuition and preparation does not confer an advantage – the opposite is true.

Recommended Preparation Material.

1. English and Verbal Reasoning is covered at WordBuilder.co.uk

  PDF downloads from the shop



a. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 1,800 questions.Book 1


b. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 800 questions.Book 2 for GL Assessment (Same Missing Letter in Pairs of Words,  Synonym Pairs &  Hidden Words)

c. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 741 questions.Book 3 for GL Assessment (Spelling, Punctuation & Conjugation)

d. Common Synonyms and Antonyms for 11+ & KS2 Sats (over 1,000 entries).


e. Common Words With Multiple Meanings for 11+ & KS2 Sats (350 entries).


f. Common Misspelled Words at Year 6 - KS2 & 11+ (over 250 words).


2. Maths is covered at CoolCleverKids.co.uk

PDF downloads from the shop at: Buckinghamshire11plus.co.uk or 11plus.eu

Lesson Notes


a: Ratio and Proportion Unit Method (Lesson Notes).


b: Percentages (simple percentages) Lesson Notes.


c: Percentage Multipliers Lesson Notes.


d: Rules for Multiples of Numbers (Lesson Notes).


3. NVR (Non-verbal Reasoning) is covered at CoolCleverKids.co.uk

Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR) Booklet


Ultimate NVR: over 30 different types of NVR familiarisation questions.


4. Mock Tests: Use Mocks in the Shop

Mock Test (CEM style tests are still useful as content is similar


1. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 1. MF Test A & B. (Use as first test during Year 5).


2. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 2. MF Test A & B. (Use as second test during Year 5).


3. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 3. MF Test A & B. (Use as third test during Year 5).


4. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 1. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


5. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 2. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


6. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 3. MF Test A & B. Similar to SWW 2 Jul 13.


7. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 4. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF). 


8.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 1 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}

9.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 2 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}


Lawrence Sheriff's Unlawful Action, 2013
Warwickshire County Council, yet again, published incorrect information on its website.

1. Warwickshire County Council's (WCC) website stated you will not get offers if you did not live within the priority area on offer day.
2. WCC admissions staff confirmed this (Amy Taylor and Colette Mary Naven-Jones).
3. WCC results letter repeated this.
4. LSS admissions policy did NOT state those who elected to move, but had not moved would be considered as they had moved (other schools did).
5. There were 17 boys who were out of area received an offer in 1st March, 2013.
6. There were 29 families who were out of area elected to change address.
7. Lawrence Sheriff School unlawfully withdrew a grammar school place and unlawfully refused to process another application and refused the statutory right of appeal.
8. Lawrence Sheriff School were found at severe fault by the Local Government Ombudsman.
9. Lawrence Sheriff School were ordered by an Independent Appeals panel to offer the child a place.
Warwickshire  County Council`s Vendetta

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) appears to have a personal vendetta against this site as we tell the truth and highlight their incompetent errors and corporate dishonesty.

They claim children do not remember content to make a difference to late sitters as an excuse to reuse the same 11+ test for up to 2 years. They claim they cannot use  a different test from CEM Centre as they cannot compare results. When a child is 12 years old they cannot take the CEM Centre 11+ test so they sit an entirely different test and the results are compared so accurately that the child can be placed on a waiting list. Dishonesty?

If children cannot remember content to make a difference to late sitters, then why was an injunction required? Why do they attempt to prevent this site from publishing content and threaten legal action whilst letting other sites publish content? Why take legal action on behalf of schools when they cannot recover legal cost from schools (wasting local tax-payer funds) and have no statutory responsibility for 11+ admissions? A vendetta?
CEM Centre for Evaluation
& Monitoring® CEM 11+ ® Tests
GL Assessments®
(NFER®) 11+ Selection Tests
  • Practice papers available
  • Kent County Council provides a long familiarisation paper
  • Multiple choice format.
  • No claim that children do not need to prepare or practice or claim test is tutor-proof
  • Similar to tests from CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring®
  • Prepare using WordBuilder & CoolCleverKids
  • Practice mock papers from the shop
11+ Children's Educational
Material Recommendation

English and Verbal Reasoning:

Maths &
Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR):


11+ Practice Papers from
Children’s Educational Material for the 11+
are available from the shop.
Word lists, lesson notes and `Ultimate NVR` questions are available from the shop.

Free material on this website.

11+ Tourism: Free Mock Tests, Compromised Testing and Injunctions.

Under the Greenwich ruling all children, of the appropriate age, have a legal right to take any 11+ exam set by any authority and cannot be denied the opportunity to sit an exam solely on the basis of their address.

The Office of the School Adjudicator (OSA) confirmed the right to use tests as free mocks and the right to take tests late. A Head Teacher of a grammar school has confirmed in writing: `Legally I cannot stop you entering your child for our test.'  Late testing is also a legal right.

Many regions do not have catchment areas. Taking 11+ exams outside home catchments does not prejudice the balance and fairness of the testing, as tests are different. To make such a claim would imply a defunct testing process.

Note: Taking a "free mock" will cost the school money. But one would expect financially astute schools to consider the financial implications of setting an early test date. Common sense dictates an earlier test is likely to be used as a "free mock" and this has been well known to occur for many years. . CEM object to this strategy when it is a legal right. We cannot image why, as if the test is resistant to prepping, what difference would free mocks make? We believe there is no evidence that any 11+ test is resistant to prepping and practise will simply improve performance.

We believe the Warwickshire's multiple test dates compromises their 11+ as questions and content are leaked to late sitters and tuition centres are known to recreate questions, often for their weaker students. Out of area children can sit the tests very late with knowledge of content and move straight to the top of waiting lists. No party can discover the confidential contents of test papers prior to them being used for the first time. Once taken, children will and do discuss content amongst themselves and with parents and tutors, so information enters the public domain and the test is immediately compromised. This is why Year 6 Sats, GCSE and `A` level exams are not reused after the main testing date.

In 2013 Warwickshire County Council (WCC) applied for an ex-parte High Court super-injunction using a false statement of truth to prevent publication of the 2013 test content gleaned from children after this site published the name of the comprehension (Lemurs in Madagascar) and two words that appeared on the test (thrifty and frugal). WCC have been consistently dishonest and stated in writing what ever children remembered would make no difference to late sitters as an excuse for repeatedly using the same test. So, why is an injunction required? WCC allow other sites to publish content, indicating a vendetta.
Warwickshire Issues & Past Scores


Prior to offer day on 1st March, 2013, the admissions website stated: "If you reside outside the relevant priority circle for the school you are applying for and your child achieves the qualifying score in the selection test, they will not be offered in the first round of offers and may be placed onto the waiting list (depending on their score)."

This was repeated in 2014 when the results letters stated the same and LSS made offers to boys outside the priority area down to a score of 213. Rugby High School also offered girls places on 3rd March, 2014 who lived outside the priority area. This was repeated in 2015 and 2016.

Admissions staff also provided the same advice prior to the deadline for applications.

This information was clearly not true for the 2013-2016 cohort, as offers outside the priority circle were made at LSS and RHS during the first round under category 5, as the school's admission policies permitted. This has been acknowledged as an error, by Admissions, and has now been removed from the Admissions' website. At LSS alone, 17 offers were made to boys outside the priority areas; with most parents surprised they received first round offers.

What is notable is that out-of-area children would not receive Warwickshire admissions booklets and would reply upon the admissions' website, and expect the information to be accurate. They would be unlikely to specifically inspect a school's actual policy.

This incorrect statement and incorrect advice given by admissions may have influenced parents to move inside the priority area (which is permitted within the rules) in order to gain a place, when this would not have been required.  29 families moved.

Retrospectively changing rules and failing to abide by own advice during 2013 admissions.

During December, 2012, an 11+ admissions officer stated in an email..."If you already own the property and will rent it out for 6 months from January, then we would require a copy of the 30 day eviction notice you give to your tenants when that is sent to them in May/June. We may then ask for further evidence to show that the family are living in the property during July/August, when the bills will no longer be in the tenants name, but the home owners. If evidence cannot be provided because the family are not residing in the property by the beginning of September, then consideration will be given by the Local Authority and the school where a place has been offered based on the evidence provided previously of the new address, and the place may be withdrawn. This would only happen though if a place would not have originally been offered based on the child's old address (or the one from which they never moved)."

"As long as your evidence shows that you will be residing in the property 'after the start of the Autumn term' (September 2013) then that would satisfy us as a Local Authority. There is no further limitation on how long you have to live at the address once the child has started at the school."

In essence the advice was one need not move if they would have been offered a place in round 1 from an existing address. If they would not have been offered a place, they only had to live at the new address for 1 day (first day of term).

When put to the Council, they stated it was the Governors at Lawrence Sheriff School who would decide. They failed to provide any form of response for over 4-months, with implicit threats of withdrawing a place and claiming a child is not on a list when failing to send out year 7 information packs and denied the opportunity to attend induction day. After 4.5 months, 2-days before term ended they withdrew the place unlawfully. Two days later the school reassessed the application and again unlawfully denied a place and failed to offer an appeal. The advice from WCC was that the place should not have been withdrawn. The Governors ignored this.


PAN  (PAN = The published admission number).

School Area PAN 2022 PAN 2012
King Edward VI School (Boys) Southern 87 + 3 (increased from 81 + 3 from 2018) 75
Stratford Grammar School for Girls Southern 120 (increased from 112 from 2015) 75
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) Southern 150 (increased from 120 from 2015) 90
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys) Eastern 150 (increased from 2020) 94
Rugby High School (Girls) Eastern 120 94
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) Eastern 31 (+266 non-selective, including
a maximum of 10% (2013 & 12% 2014) based
on modern language aptitude tests)
(+ 226 non-selective)


2025 Entry on March 2nd 2025

2025 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2024
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 233 231

Cat 0 (EHCP): 2
Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Priority area Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 7
Cat 3: (up to 70 places inner priority area: 70  [Lowest 235]
Cat 4 (outer prioriy area): 7  [Lowest 263]

Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 226 224 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower: 5
Cat 3: (Priority area): 114 [Lowest 232]
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 220 214 Cat 1: (Looked after): 1
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 3
Cat 3: (Priority area: 146  [Lowest 224]
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 150 212 209 Cat 0: {EHCP): 1
Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Up to 30 Pupil Premium, up to 10 marks lower) 12
Cat 3: (Service Pupil Premium) 0
Cat 4: (Eastern area): 123 [Lowest 212]
Cat 5: (Eastern priority circle): 13  [Lowest 232]
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 213 210 Cat 1 (Looked after childrem, up to 15 marks lower): 0
Cat 2: (Up to 20 Pupil Premium, up to 15 marks lower): 8
Cat 3: (Up to 50 Area 1 Eastern area: 50 [Lowest 224]
Cat 4: (Easternn priority circle): 62 [Lowest 222]
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 208 204

Cat 2a.1: (Eastern area pupil premium): 0
Cat 2a.2: (Easter area) 15 [Lowest 215]
Cat 2b.2: (Eastern circle) 16 [Lowest 212]
Cat 2c. (Outside priority area: 0

2024 Entry on March 1st 2024

2024 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2024
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 232 230

Cat 0 (EHCP): 1
Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Priority area Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 3
Cat 3: (up to 70 places inner priority area: 68  [Lowest 232]
Cat 4 (outer prioriy area): 15  [Lowest 252]

Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 226 224 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 0
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower): 4
Cat 3: (Priority area): 116 [Lowest 226]
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 220 214 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 1
Cat 3: (Priority area: 149  [Lowest 221]
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 150 212 209 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 0
Cat 2: (Up to 30 Pupil Premium, up to 10 marks lower) 10
Cat 3: (Service Pupil Premium) 2
Cat 4: (Eastern area): 100 [Lowest 212]
Cat 5: (Eastern priority circle): 38  [Lowest 217]
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 212 209 Cat 1 (Looked after childrem, up to 15 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Up to 20 Pupil Premium, up to 15 marks lower): 13
Cat 3: (Up to 50 Area 1 Eastern area: 50 [Lowest 224]
Cat 4: (Easternn priority circle): 56 [Lowest 214]
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 208 204

Cat 2a.1: (Eastern area pupil premium) 1
Cat 2a.2: (Easter area) 14 [Lowest 221]
Cat 2a.4: (Eastern circle) 4 [Lowest 209]
Cat 2c. (Outside priority area: 12 [Lowest 210]


2023 Entry on March 1st 2023

2023 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2023
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 232 224

Cat 0 (EHCP): 0 
Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 2
Cat 2: (Priority area Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 1
Cat 3: (up to 70 places inner priority area: 67  [Lowest 232]
Cat 4 (outer prioriy area): 17  [Lowest 245]

Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 224 220 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 0
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower): 4
Cat 3: (Priority area): 116 [Lowest 225]
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 218 214 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 1
Cat 3: (Priority area: 149  [Lowest 218]
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 150 211 208 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Up to 30 Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 7
Cat 4: (Eastern area): 86 [Lowest 221]
Cat 5: (Eastern priority circle): 45  [Lowest 213]
Cat 6: (Pupil Premium Outside area 20 markes lower): 6
Cat 8: (Outside area): 5 [Lowest 247]
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 211 206 Cat 1 (Looked after childrem, up to 15 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Up to 20 Pupil Premium, up to 15 marks lower): 6
Cat 3: (Up to 50 Area 1 Eastern area: 46 [Lowest 219]
Cat 4: (Easternn priority circle): 67 [Lowest 211]
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 208 204 31 offers [Lowest 208]

2022 Entry on March 1st 2022

2022 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2022
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 229 222 Cat 0 (EHCP): 1
Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 4
Cat 3: (up to 70 places inner priority area: 68
             lowest 229 (split 13.445 miles)
Cat 4 (outer prioriy area): 13
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 224 215 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 4
Cat 3: (Priority area: 115 lowest 224 (split 10.031 miles)
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 218 212 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 2
Cat 3: (Priority area: 148 lowest 218 (split 6.689 miles)
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 150 212 208 Cat 1 (Looked after, up to 20 marks lower): 2
Cat 2: (Up tp 30 Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 9
Cat 3: (Eastern area): 80 (lowest 212)
Cat 4: (Eastern priority circle): 38 (lowest 212)
Cat 6: (Outside area and Pupil Premium): 3
Cat 8: (Outside Priority Area): 18 (lowest 221,10.49 miles)
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 211 207 Cat 2: (Up tp 30 Pupil Premium, up to 15 marks lower) 5
Cat 3: (Up to 50 Area 1 Eastern area: 49 (lowest 223)
Cat 4: (Easternn priority circle): 61 (lowest 211)
Cat 5: (Outside area) 5 (lowest 235)
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 210 204 Cat 2.1a (Pupil premium): 1     
Cat 2.1b (Eastern area): 14 (lowest 217)
Cat 2.2b (Eastern priority circle): 15 (lowest 210 at 2.728 miles)
Cat 2.3  (Reserve list): 1 (lowest 210 at 2.964 miles)

MFL: 25 (lowest 433)

2021 Entry on March 1st 2021

2021 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2021
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 240 230 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 5
Cat 3: (up to 70 places inner priority area: 82
             lowest 240 (split 16.317 miles)
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 224 218 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 1
Cat 3: (Priority area: 119 lowest 224 (split 10.776 miles)
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 221 215 Cat 3: (Priority area: 150 lowest 221 (split 13.903 miles)
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 150 210 205 Cat 1: (Looked after children, up to 20 marks lower): 1
Cat 2: (Up to 20 Pupil Premium, up to 20 marks lower) 7
Cat 3: (Eastern area, up to 70): 65 (lowest 210)
Cat 4: (Eastern priority circle): 38 (lowest 210)
Cat 5: (Outside area and Pupil Premium): 39 (lowest 213)
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 210 205 Cat 2: (Pupil Premium, up to 15 marks lower) 6
Cat 3: (Up to 50 Area 1 Eastern area: 50 (lowest 218)
Cat 4: (Easternn priority circle): 59 (lowest 210)
Cat 5: (Outside area) 5 (lowest 234)
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 210 205 Cat 2a (Pupil premium): 1     
Cat 2b (Eastern area): 14 (lowest 225)
Cat 3b (Eastern priority circle): 15 (lowest 212)

2019 Entry on March 1st 2019

2019 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2019
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 233 228+   1 offers  category 2 (pupil premium) up to below
80 offers  category 3 (priority area)       233
 6 offers   category 4 (out of area)         234   
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 215 210+      4 offer category 2 (pupil premum)
142 offers category 3 (priority area)     215
    4 offers category 4 (out of area)       217
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 215 209+     4 offers category 2 (pupil premium)
142 offers category 3 (priority area)     215
    4 offers category 4 (out of area)       217
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 210 206+   3 Category 2 (pupil premium offer)
55 Category 3 (eastern area)                212
50 Category 4 (eastern priority circle)  210
12 Category 5 (out of area)                    228
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 208 206+   2 Category 1 (looked after)
                           up to 14 marks below AQS 
  1 Category 2 (pupil premium)
                           up to 15 marks below AQS
50 Category 3 (eastern area 1)            209
                           split by distance
35 Category 4 (eastern priority circle)  208
32 Category 5 (out of area)                  211
                            split by distance
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 214 206+ 16 Category 2 (eastern area)               227
15 Category 3 (eastern priority circle)  214

2018 Entry on March 1st 2018

2018 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March 2018
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 87 230 225+   2 offers  category 2 (pupil premium)
76 offers  category 3 (priority area)       230
 4 offers   category 4 (out of area)         232
 5  offers  category 5 (below AQS/WL) 229
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 222 212+      1 offer category 2 (pupil premum)
119 offers category 3 (priority area)     222

* 4 offers category 4 (out of area) withdrawn
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 214
208+ 144 offers category 3 ( priority area)     215
    6 offers category 4 (out of area)        215 
* 13 places withdrawn due to errors. AQS reset to 215
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 210 206+   3 Category 2 (pupil premium offer)
55 Category 3 (eastern area)                211 (distance)
39 Category 4 (eastern priority circle)  210
23 Category 5 (out of area)                   221
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 207 205+ 50 Category 3 (eastern area 1)            214
39 Category 4 (eastern priority circle)  207
26 Category 5 (out of area)                  207
  5 Category 6 (below AQS/WL)          206
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 31 213 207+ 15 Category 2 (eastern area)               214
14 Category 3 (eastern priority circle)  213
  2 Category 4 (reference committee)  212

Almost 20% of candidates were tested late in 2017 (obtained under the FOIA):

  9th Sep 17: 1979     81 % (main testing date),
10th Sep 17:   229       9 % (1 day late)
13th Sep 17:     99       4 % (4 day late)
20th Sep 17:   139       6 % (11 days late)
            Total: 2446

2017 Entry on March 1st 2017

2017 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 81+3 232 225+ 1 offer under category 4 (out of area) lowest at 252
11 offered from waiting list
3 appeals succeeded
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 120 220 212+ 7 offers under category 4 (out of area) lowest at 227
8 offered from waiting list
2 appeals succeeded
3 offers made in error
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 213 208+ 3 under category 3 lowest 220
9 under category 4 (out of area) lowest 214
29 offered from waiting list
6 appeals succeeded
1 offer made in error
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 209 205+  4 Category 2 (pupil premium offers)
55 Category 3 lowest 213
52 Category 4 lowest 209
9 Category 5 -  (out of area) lowest 221
9 offered from waiting list
3 appeals succeeded
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 207 203+ 1 Category 1
3 Category 2 (pupil premium)
55 Category 3 lowest 210
54 Category 4 lowest 217
7 Category 5 - (out of area) lowest 217
12 offered from waiting list
2 appeals succeeded
1 offer made in error
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 37 206 200+ 18 Category 2 lowest 210
18 Category 3 lowest 206
 1 Category 4 lowest 205
No offers from waiting list
22 appeals succeeded

2016 Entry on March 1st 2016

2016 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 81 232 226+ 2 Pupil Premium offers
2 offers under category 4
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 112 222 216+  
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 217 212+  
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 207 202+  1 Category 2 (pupil premium offer)
54 Category 3 (lowest 213)
41 Category 4 (lowest 207)
10 Category 5 -  special consideration (as low as 2014)
14 Category 6 - out of area (as low as 222)
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 205 200+  2 Category 2 (pupil premium)
60 Category 3
47 Category 4
8 Category 5 - special consideration (as low as 203)
3 Category 3 - out of area (as low as 236)
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 34 203 198+ 18 Category 2 (as low as 204)
10 Category 3 (as low as 203)
 6 Category 4 (as low as 201)
 3 Category 5 (as low as 203)

2015 Entry on March 2nd 2015

2015 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 81 228 222+ 228 (Category 1) down to 227
1 error on offer day.
3 offers on appeal. 12 reoffers.
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 112 218 212+ 217 (Category 2 split by distance) down to 212
38 reoffers.
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 150 210 206 210 (Category 1)
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 209 202+ 208 (Category 6 with a score of down to 206
211 out of area split by distance)
1 Pupil Premium less than AQS
2 errors on offer day.
1 offer on appeal. 1 reoffers.
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 205 200+ 204 (Category 6 with a score of down to 200
207 out of area split by distance)
2 Pupil Premium less than AQS
2 Errors on offer day. 25 reoffers.
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 34 208 202+ 206 (Category 4 split by distance)
1 offer on appeal. 1 reoffer.
  • Mean score for the main testing date the Sep 2014 was 198 of 1803 candidates.
  • Mean score for the second testing date was 214 (8% higher with 76 offers) from 278 candidates, who may have known content.
  • Mean score for testing on 21st Oct 2014 was 188 with 5 offers from 44 indicating high scores for 5 candidates, who may have known content.
  • Mean score for testing on 20th March 2015 was 187 with 1 offer from 3 indicating a very score of over 240 if a girl or 250 if a boy may have known content.
2014 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 81 227 220+ 3 on appeal 226 finally 220
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 112 216 210+ 2 on appeal, 3 re-offers 215 finally 210   3 offers made in error
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 120 214 209+ 213
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 209 202+ 1 on appeal, 12 re-offers 206 (213 out of area)
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 120 203 198+ 0 on appeal,  2 re-offers 198  finally 196    3 offers made in error
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 33 202 196+ 19 on appeal, 3 re-offers 202 finally 196   (411 for MFL)

3 offers made in error at Stratford Girls Grammar and Rugby High. Mean scores for those tested on 7th Sep 2014 was 199 and mean on 14th Sept 2014 was 217.
8 offers were made to out of area children at LSS on national offer day down to 213.

Note for 2013 entry Verbal Reasoning comprised of 50% of marks with Numeric Reasoning and NVR 50%. This change occurred after the tests as was without notice.
In previous years each subject comprised of 1/3 of the standardised scores.

2013 Entry PAN AQS Initial Waiting List Lowest Score Offered
on 1st March
King Edward VI School (Boys) KES 81 333 321+ (11 re-offers) 3 appeal places. 333
Stratford Grammar School for Girls SGSG 112 322 310+ (9 re-offers) 321
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) AGS 120 315 306+ (25 re-offers) 314
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys)  LSS 120 310* 303+ (19 re-offers) 3 appeal places. 123 admitted
1 Asian child's place withdrawn, unlawfully
Rugby High School (Girls) RHS 94 310** 298+ (12 re-offers) 300
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) ASHS 30 302 296+ (12 re-offers) 302

*Lowest score offered for LS in Area 1 = 323             *Lowest score offered for LS in Area 2 = 309
Since LSS and RHS and offered 120 places on offer day, both schools offered places under category 5 and offered out of area children places and late applicants on offer day, otherwise the automatic qualifying mark would have fallen substantially and it was deemed the candidates with such scores would not be appropriate for the school.
**Lowest score offered for RHS in Area 1 = 321        **Lowest score offered for RHS in Area 2 = 300        A record number of re-offers were made from the LSS waiting list.

2012 Entry PAN AQS Waiting List
King Edward VI School (Boys) 75 338 337-330
Stratford Grammar School for Girls 75 330 329-320
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) 90 327 326-319
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys) 94 311* 310-308
Rugby High School (Girls) 94 311 310-299
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) 30 301 300-296

2011 Entry PAN AQS Waiting List
King Edward VI School (Boys) 75 335 334-322
Stratford Grammar School for Girls 75 325 334-322
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) 90 329 328-323
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys) 94 303* 336-323
Rugby High School (Girls) 94 303 323-314
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) 30 301 300-295

2010 Entry PAN AQS Waiting List
King Edward VI School (Boys) 75 337 336-323
Stratford Grammar School for Girls 75 324 323-314
Alcester Grammar School (Mixed) 90 329 328-321
Lawrence Sheriff School (Boys) 94 302* 301-295
Rugby High School (Girls) 94 302 323-314
Ashlawn Selective (Mixed) 30 296 300-295

* Score for Area 1


The test isset by CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring, Cambridge University.

The test covers Verbal Reasoning (Comprehension, synonyms, antonyms and cloze passages); Numeracy, and Non-Verbal Reasoning with two 50-minute papers set on the same day with the same test as the Birmingham Consortium.

Please note, that some parents "play the system" and children deliberately sit the tests as late as possible, so they can find out what was on the paper or what was not on the papers, by asking other children who sat the test. They then practise maths and NVR question types that they know were on the paper and are aware of the vocabulary. Of course, there is nothing unlawful about "playing the system". The only issue is the morality. Some argue it is Warwickshire Education Authority's fault by reusing the same test repeatedly.

WCC refuse to provide the cost of 11+ testing and have no evidence the test is resistant to preparation.

What happens in Warwickshire on 11+ Testing day?

On the test day parents can take children in to the examination room. On their desk is their 11+ application form with photograph.

Children from the same school tend to sit next to other (in columns), in alphabetical order.

When children are settled parents are asked to leave and when the test is over the children are collected outside of the examination hall.

2012 Applicants for 2013 Entry

Date of Test Boys Girls
8th Sep 2012 855 838
15th Sep 2012 87 86
18th Sep 2012 38 24
18th Oct 2012 4 8
Total 984 956


Parents are provided with comprehensive results for their children. They are informed if they inside the Southern Priority Area and the Eastern Priority Area (both Area 1 and 2).

Scores are broken down in to three categories: Verbal Reasoning; Numeracy; Non-Verbal Reasoning and provided with a standardised score in each subject out of a total of 483 (in 2012). Each subject is given an equal weighting.

Children are provided with their actual ranking in their region. Eg: Ranked 50 out of 527 boys and 90 out of 1029.

They are also ranked out of all boys in the all areas Eg 70 out of 935 and ranked out of all children Eg 120 out of 1817.

This is followed by a list of schools with their PAN and past qualifying scores covering the previous 3 years.

This makes it relatively easy to determine if the child is guaranteed a place when completing the application forms for schools.


Ashlawn School is one of the five bilateral schools in the country that has a selective grammar stream as well as non-selective places. Historically, although the PAN for the selective places was 30, it has been effectively 60 because children who score high Sats results entered an effective grammar stream (a back door entry). The official 34 places are gained via the 11+ and for the first time up to 22 via a Modern Language Aptitude test. Unofficially, more places are available via good Sats results. Entering the grammar stream in year 7 does not guarantee a grammar education as children can be moved out of the grammar stream, if they struggle.

King Edward VI School (KES) takes additional boys above their PAN via appeals.

In recent years the Lawrence Sheriff School (LSS) waiting list moved as follows: 2013 (19-reoffers), 2012 (5 re-offers, down to a score of 358), 2011 (4 re-offers down to a score of 334) and 2010 (9 re-offers, down to a score of 344) It traditionally had a pan of 94 but took up to 120 children, the additional on appeal. Because the Rugby High School (girls) increased their PAN from 94 to 120, LSS increased their PAN to 120, effectively closing appeals, as the school is at full capacity (4 classes of 30 children). This could have a severe impact on siblings who are out of area, as they need to score highly to get any chance of a place from the waiting list, where in previous years they could win a place on appeal (up to 26 additional places were available). However, 2013 was unique in that offers were made to out of area children in round 1 and with 13 re-offers there was no great difference in chances of out of area children gaining a place.

KES takes boys with higher qualifying scores than LSS and arguably more intelligent boys. A child offered the 15th place at LSS, would only be around the 50th highest score at KES. It is interesting that boys at KES learn Latin in year 7, as most grammar schools do, but not LSS. In addition LSS only offer French and German as GCSE languages, one of the smallest number of options in any secondary school.

Stratford Girls Grammar School has increased its PAN from 75 to 120. A huge increase, whilst KES has increased its PAN from 75 to just 81. Ashlawn and Alcester are the only co-educational grammar schools in the area. In the Southern area there are likely to be more boys at Alcester Grammar School than girls for 2013 entry as the places available for girls is far greater than for boys at the single gender schools.

Past papers are not released, but sample questions are available. Past content is available on many sites under the radar. If you know where to look you will find it.


Cambridge University have now withdrawn CEM  paper based 11+ tests. Cambridge spent hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees to refuse to answer basic questions including which schools shared the same tests. They answered such questions to a Caucasian women after refusing to answer the same question posed by an Asian man. They were aware of the ethnicity of both.

11+ Maths and NVR

The Maths site with NVR (Non-verbal reasoning) for Sats and 11+ preparation. Ideal for primary school education and selective school exams. Maths lesson notes; worksheets; presentations; games, & tests auto marked with explanations.

11+ English & VR

Verbal reasoning and English for the 11+, Sats and private/independent school entrance exams as well as primary school. Spellings; definitions; meanings; synonyms; antonyms; cloze passages; jumbled sentences & comprehension.

Sats Papers
Year 2-6 & 11+

Information relating to Sats Tests. Free downloads of Sats papers covering Year 2 to 6 with no registration. Prepare for Year 6 level 3-5, level 6 & 11+ tests. Download the latest phonics tests.
ATA React
Free Android App
Google Play

Fun FREE Android App to test your thinking and reaction speed. Four fun games: colours; shapes; numbers and next letter. Stores score history. Ideal for Sats & 11+ fun whilst you prepare. Download from Google Play.





Download FREE SATs papers. No registration & no annoying popup adverts.
11+ English (Verbal Reasoning)
online preparation with

Spellings; Vocabulary; Synonyms; Antomyms; Conundrums; Cloze Passages; Comprehension, and Jumbled up sentences. Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.
11+ Maths (Numerical Reasoning)
and NVR online preparation with

Free maths question generator
Lesson notes; presentations (videos); worksheets; games; Sats style tests from Year 2 to 6 including mental maths audio tests; private school 11+ tests, and CEM style past questions.
Now includes Non-verbal Reasoning.
Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.

The 11+ information site
Helping children pass the 11+
Free advice and resources with
recommendations for preparation.

Children’s Educational Material 11+
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7641 6970 
Email: cemelevenplus@gmail.com
© 2013-2023. CEM11plus.com group of websites. All rights reserved. Children's Educational Material for the 11+. CEM11plus.com group websites provide information helping children pass the eleven plus. CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring® is an independent not-for-profit research group now owned by Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press® and neither are associated with CEM11plus.com group websites. GL Assessment ® has no connection with CEM11plus.com group websites. The views expressed are those of CEM11plus.com. All trade names and trade marks are acknowledged. This website is secured with a SSL certificate provided to the parent group website, CEM11plus.com, and data is encrypted using 256 bit keys & TLS 1.2.